About us
a Vision for transforming our city through Jesus
Our vision is to lead a church that will transform our city through Jesus
We dream of a city with less crime, less divorce, and less poverty, with more faith, hope, and love. We dream of ending gentlemen’s clubs and starting churches.
Our vision is to lead a church where every member engages in our weekly worship service
We dream of a worship experience where families feel a real connection with God that inspires daily obedience. We dream of an exciting TLC KidsZone where children can receive a VBS experience on their level while their parents enjoy the passionate, gospel-centered music and preaching, and find practical help to live like Jesus.
Our vision is to lead a church where every member participates in a life group
We dream of small groups where members have open and honest conversations about applying biblical truths to daily life, and where everyone has a genuine freedom to discuss their struggles and seek biblical solutions. We dream of a church where the gospel is the measure of every relationship, and unity is experienced by valuing others as more important than oneself.
Our vision is to lead a church where every member is involved in mission
We dream of people utilizing their hobbies and free time to build intentional, missional relationships with their friends, neighbors, and coworkers. We dream of members participating in a local mission annually and going internationally every five years.
Our vision is to develop a team of leaders who will lead our church to accomplish our vision
We dream of a staff that is so skilled that they create practical resources to give away to other churches for the benefit of the Kingdom. We dream of a staff that will have intentional out-of-office hours to model the importance of spending time with those outside the church.
Our vision is to build facilities that will allow us to accomplish our vision
We dream of a building where people want to be, a truly multi-purpose center. We dream of a dynamic TLC KidsZone in multiple classrooms, a separate building for youth activities, and constant activities on our basketball court, softball field, and volleyball pit. We want our property to be the third place for our neighbors.
our values
our values

God’s Glory
We believe that God’s glory is the ultimate purpose for our lives. Therefore, we are committed to celebrating God through passionate worship and biblical preaching that inspires an intentional daily focus on him. Psalm 29:1-2; Psalm 115:1; 1 Corinthians 10:31, Philippians 2:9-11, Colossians 3:16-17
God’s Word
We believe that God’s Word is the truth and the absolute authority for our faith and practice. Therefore, we are committed to the public reading of Scripture, biblical preaching, and weekly Bible teaching in order to make the Bible accessible, understandable, and applicable for daily living. John 17:17; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Hebrews 4:12; 1 Peter 1:19-21, 2:2
Spiritual Growth
We believe that spiritual growth is the expectation of every believer. Therefore, we are committed to the pursuit of Christlikeness through the practice of spiritual disciplines and obedience to God’s Word. Psalm 1:1-2; Psalm 119:11; Matthew 6: 16-18; Mark 8:35; 1 Corinthians 9:19-23, Colossians 3:12-17, 4:2; 2 Peter 1:5-8, 3:16; 2 John 1:6
Gospel-Centered Leadership
We believe that gospel-centered leadership is the biblical model for a transformed world. Therefore, we are committed to developing leaders who influence others through the lens of the gospel, based on biblical truth and Christlike humility. Mark 10:42-44; John 13:13-17; Ephesians 4:11-16; 2 Timothy 2:2; Titus 1:7-9; 1 Peter 5:1-5
Community Unity
We believe that the unity of the community is a primary goal of the body of Christ. Therefore, we are committed to loving, caring for, and serving one another for each other’s benefit and our blessing. Romans 12:3-13; 1 Corinthians 1:10; Ephesians 4:1-16; Philippians 2:3-4
Mobilized Mission
We believe that mobilized mission is the natural response of a transformed life. Therefore, we are committed to equipping every member for the engagement of the lost world with the hope of the gospel, at home and to the ends of the earth. Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8; 1 Thessalonians 2:8; 1 Peter 3:15
our beliefs
We embrace the beliefs of the historic Christian church as declared in the Bible and practiced in the ancient church.
Below is a brief statement of the core beliefs of TRUE LIFE CHURCH.
1. We believe the Bible is God’s timeless Word to us and is relevant to our lives today.
2. We believe in one God who exists eternally in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
3. We believe that we are created for God’s glory.
4. We believe that true life and the forgiveness of sin is found only through Jesus’s death, burial, and resurrection.
5. We believe that the Holy Spirit is at work in our lives to draw us to the Father through Jesus Christ and to seal our salvation.
6. We believe that sin has separated us from the Father.
7. We believe in a literal heaven and a literal hell.
8. We believe that salvation is a gift of God's grace found only through faith in Jesus Christ.
9. We believe that salvation is neither gained nor lost by our own efforts or failures.
10. We believe that the local church is a community of believers united by the same purpose and mission.
Would you like to see a more complete statement of our beliefs?
our staff

Norm Duncan, PhD.
Lead Pastor

Wayne Koch

Don Orvis